Perfume Of Life
Joules informs that rude cell phone behavior is a big perfume of life forum topic:
Have you been the victim of rude cell phone behavior? Well, here's your opportunity to read and to rant and to do something about it. Send your stories to
Talk about rude cell phone behavior . . . a woman was recently arrested (thank goodness) because WHILE SHE WAS ROBBING SOME BANKS she was talking to her boyfriend on a cell phone. Gees! She couldn't just say, "Honey, I gotta hang up--the line moved and I'm at the teller window now." Or, "'Scuse me, I'll call you back; the teller needs to be able to understand exactly what I'm saying. I need to give her my full attention." The calls were traced. Unfortunately, it wasn't the rude cell phone behavior that landed her in jail. Just the robbing while coincidentally talking on the phone.
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